Industrial policy in the Central and Eastern European region – this is the title of an online workshop organised by the Hungarian Economic Association’s (HEA) Section of Development Economics on Wednesday, 27 September 2023, from 2 pm in the Teams application.
Panelists: Gracjan Cimek, Lecturer-Researcher at the Polish Naval Academy; Bruno Drweski, Associate Professor, historian, political scientist, Director of the Polish Department of the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations at the Sorbonne University; Professor Dragana Mitrovic, Head of the Centre for Asian Studies at the University of Belgrade, Head of the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade; Eszter Kovács, Research Fellow at the National Bank of Hungary and Annamária Artner, Professor at Milton Friedman University, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of World Economy. The panel discussion will be moderated by László Trautmann, Associate Professor at the János Neumann University and President of the Development Economics Section of the HEA.
The event will be available on this Teams link.