20 years in the EU and the future of Hungarian agriculture and rural development – this is the title of an online professional roundtable discussion organised by the Hungarian Economic Association’s (HEA) Agricultural and Food Industry Section on Tuesday, 9 January 2024, from 2 pm on Webex and on the HEA’s YouTube channel.

Gábor Udovecz and István Kapronczai, retired directors generals of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute and members of the board of the section, will share their thoughts on the expectations of EU accession, the hopes and disappointments of Hungarian agriculture. The changes in the Common Agricultural Policy over the past 20 years will be presented by László Vajda, retired Chief of the Directorate-General of the Ministry of Agriculture and Co-President of the Section. Noémi Csapóné Hernádi, President of the Female Farmers’ Circle of Békés Vármegye, will talk about what the EU and the Common Agricultural Market mean for young farmers today. Finally, Anikó Juhász, Deputy State Secretary for Agricultural Economy at the Ministry of Agriculture, will present the latest developments in the EU’s instruments supporting the development of Hungarian agriculture. The moderator of the event will be Attila Zöldréti, former President of the SAPARD Office and President of the Agriculture and Food Section of the HEA.

Information needed to follow the event live:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@magyarkozgazdasagitarsasag
Webex: https://magyarkozgazdasagitarsasag.my.webex.com/magyarkozgazdasagitarsasag.my/j.php?MTID=m1825f470180f62fe21dfb60341309b08
Meeting number: 2373 716 9281
Password: Agrar2024