Tolls 2024 – up to five times the rate of inflation… The Hungarian Economic Association’s Logistics Section will organise an online discussion on this topic on Wednesday, 17 January 2024, from 14:00 on Webex and on the HEA’s YouTube channel.

The speakers – Kinga Réthy, Managing Director of UTA Union Tank Eckstein GmbH & Co. in Hungary; Bence Marczin, Managing Director of National Toll Payment Service Zrt. and Gábor Dittel, Executive Secretary General of the National Association of Private Road Transport Operators (NiT Hungary) – will discuss issues such as how Hungarian, German and Austrian tolls will change from 2024; the extent of the increase; what the tariffs depend on and how they are calculated; and how much this could raise the hard-pressed domestic inflation. The discussion will be moderated by Ferenc Lajkó, independent industry expert, Managing Director of DigiLog Consulting and President of the Logistics Section of HEA.

Information needed to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2379 324 5415
Password: Utdij2024