Attila Borbély, professor emeritus of the University of Debrecen, member of the HOC, Chairman of the board of Magyar Telekom Nyrt., Vice President of the Hungarian Gymnastics Association, was re-elected President of the Sport Economics Section of the Hungarian Economic Association.
During the online renewal, the members confirmed Zoltán Bács, university professor, chancellor of the University of Debrecen, vice president of the Hungarian University and College Sports Association, member of the HOC and Zoltán Nagy, chief security officer of Magyar Telekom Nyrt as Co-Presidents of the Section. There is also no change in the position of the secretary of the section: this position is still held by Tünde Gergics, economist, PhD student at the University of Pécs, expert of the Fiscal Council, former national team RG competitor.
The voting members unanimously supported the following professionals as members of the Boardof the HEA’s Sports Economics Section: András Becsky, Vice President General of the Hungarian Swimming Federation, member of the Supervisory Board of the HOC; Gábor Beke-Martos, consultant of ELTE, member of the Supervisory Board of HEA; Krisztián Berki, Olympic champion gymnast, Director of Sports Economics of the Hungarian Gymnastics Federation; Veronika Fenyves, Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen; Tamás Dékán, Economic Director of the Debrecen Sportcentrum; Gabriella Szabó, Olympic champion kayaker, Marketing Manager of the HOC and Elemér Terták, Member of the HEA’s Board, former Director of the European Commission.
We congratulate the members of the Section’s Board on their election and wish them every success in their work!