Gergely Baksay, Executive Director of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, responsible for economic and fiscal analysis and statistics, was elected President of the Competitiveness Section of the HEA for another three-year term. The voting members also supported the continuation of Katalin Juhász, analyst at the MNB, as Secretary of the Section.
According to he members’ decision, the members od the board of the HEA’s Competitiveness Section for the next three years are: Magdolna Csath, Professor at Pázmány Péter Catholic University; Bianka Horváth, Chief Advisor to the Governor of the MNB; Zsolt Kuti, Chief Economist at the MNB; Zsolt Szalay, Member of the MIT REAP project, Head of the Automated Drive Laboratory at the BME and Associate Professor at the BME; Zoltán Oszkár Szántó, Vice Rector for Research at Corvinus University of Budapest, Dean of the Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies; and Barnabás Virág, Deputy Governor of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank for Monetary Policy, Financial Stability and International Relations.
We congratulate the elected board of the section and wish them every success in their work!