The HEA’s International Economy Section elected Tamás Galambos, Managing Director of Kelso Capital Ltd., former Deputy Secretary General of HEA and former Chairman of the Youth Committee, as its President for another three-year term by unanimous vote.

At the online election, which ended on Wednesday at noon, the voting members voted for another three-year term of office for Patrícia Kovács, Master Lecturer of Finance and Accounting at the Budapest Business University, former Chair of the HEA Youth Committee, who will serve as Secretary of the International Economy Section.

The voting members also unanimously supported the following experts as members of the HEA International Economy Section for the next three years: Attila Bartha, Associate Professor of the Institute of Economics and Public Policy of the BCE, Senior Research Fellow of the ELKH Research Centre for Social Sciences; Zsolt Becsey, Deputy Head of the Institute of Social Sciences and International Studies at the Károli Gáspár Reformed University, former Member of the European Parliament; Mária Csató, economist; Balázs Ferkelt, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Foreign Trade of the Budapest Business University, Head of the School of International Relations of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium; Ildikó Kováts-Széplaki, economist, former staff member of the European Parliament; János Löblin, international economic consultant; Iván Nyíri, economist, Honorary Honorary President of the Section; Csaba Pólyi, Ambassador-at-Large; György Rétfalvi, Managing Director of ExportHungary Ltd; Róbert Scherczer-Károly, Foreign Economic Attaché of the Embassy of Hungary in Belgrade, and Rita Szép-Tüske, Deputy Director General for Investment Promotion and Promotion of the HIPA National Investment Promotion Agency.

We congratulate the members of the International Economy Section on their election and wish them every success in their work!