After five years, Nyíregyháza will again host the largest annual conference of the Hungarian economics profession. The 62nd Hungarian Economists’ Itinerant Congress will be held on 5 and 6 September 2024 at the University of Nyíregyháza, organised by the 130-year-old Hungarian Economic Association (HEA). The organisers are expecting around 700 Hungarian economists from the Carpathian Basin to attend the event.
Participants of the congress are in for an exciting and interesting programme, with two plenary sessions and 16 sessions of around 100 speakers. The on-site sessions will be complemented by 7 pre-recorded sessions – round-table discussions – which will be available to watch and listen to on the conference website and on the HEA YouTube channel from 5 September. The central theme of this year’s conference will be the competitiveness.
The plenary sessions of the congress will feature speeches by György Matolcsy, Governor of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank; Mihály Varga, Minister of Finance; Tibor Navracsics, Minister of Public Administration and Regional Development; János Bóka, Minister of European Union Affairs; Gábor Horváth, President of the Fiscal Council and Csaba Szomolai, Vice-President of the State Audit Office of Hungary. This year there will also be a round table of bank CEOs, a forum of macroeconomic analysts, and discussions on corruption, innovation, labour market issues, artificial intelligence and public finances. Pre-scheduled sessions will cover topics such as the economic and logistical impact of online retail sector, the link between the demographic crisis and competitiveness, the interconnection between culture, innovation and competitiveness, and the circular economy. Speakers in each session will include three ministers, five state secretaries and two deputy state secretaries; senior executives from the central bank of Hungary, leading companies, banks and other financial institutions, top leaders of the Hungarian business community, as well as renowned economic researchers and analysts.
The plenary sessions and some sessions of the 62nd Economists’ Congress will be available live on the conference website and on the HEA YouTube channel, while recordings of all 23 thematic sessions will be available on the website in the days following the event.
The detailed conference programme is available at