The Hungarian Economic Association’s (HEA) Labour Section will organise an online conference on employee well-being on Thursday 17 October 2024, from 14:00 on Webex and on the HEA’s YouTube channel.

Imola Csehné Papp, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Eötvös Loránd University and Csilla Molnár, PhD student at the Doctoral School of Economics and Management of ELTE will be the speakers. Tamás Székely, President of the Hungarian Chemical, Energy and Allied Workers’ Union and Ambrus Kiss, former director of the county and regional labour office are invited speakers. Moderator: László Herczog, former Minister of Social Affairs and Labour, member of the Board of the Labour Section of the HEA.

Information to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2374 784 1503
Password: Jollet2024