Financing of the energy transition in Hungary – this is the title of a two-day, four-session, English-language online conference organised by Cambridge Econometrics, the British Embassy in Budapest and the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) on 12-13 December 2022. The conference presentations and panel discussions are now available to watch and listen to on the HEA’s YouTube channel and podcast.

The aim of the roundtable discussions is to discuss current state of affairs with regards to the four topics in the focus of the event on the financing of the energy transition, namely: (1) green bonds issuance and their role in financing the energy transition in Hungary, (2) ESG risk measurement and data requirements, (3) buildings decarbonisation and (4) renewables policies and subsidies, and to produce a briefing document of panel findings and recommendations which will inform policy development for the green transition in Hungary.

Session #1 Green bonds issuance and their role in financing the energy transition in Hungary

Welcome Speech: Ambassador Paul Fox

Keynote Speakers:
Norbert Kiss-Mihály, Deputy Director of Monetary Policy Instruments, Foreign Exchange Reserves and Risk Management, Central Bank of Hungary
Gireesh Shrimali, Head of Transition Finance Research, Oxford Sustainable Finance Group

Gábor Gyura, Sustainable finance consultant, United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)
Domonkos Kovács, M&A and Capital Markets Director, Alteo Nyrt.
Gergely Pókos, Director, OTP Bank Zöld Program Igazgatóság
John Martin, CEO, Plutus Consulting Group

Moderator: Richárd Végh, CEO, Budapest Stock Exchange

Downloadable presentations:
Norbert Kiss-Mihály (pdf)
Gireesh Shrimali (pdf)

Session #2 ESG-related risks, their measurement and data requirements in Hungary

Keynote Speakers:
Rita Szalay, General Manager, ESG Capital Solutions
Barnabás Ács, Global Head of Sales Strategy – Sustainable Finance & Investing, London Stock Exchange Group
Gwil Mason, Lead Associate – Sustainable Finance, Financial Conduct Authority

György Szege, Head of ESG Department, Bankholding
Zoltán Török, Head of Research, Raiffeisen
Expert of the J.P. Morgan’s Global Index Research Group (tbc)
Irén Márta, Managing Director of the Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary (BCSDH)

Moderator: Ákos Lukács, Partner – Climate Change & Sustainability Services, Ernst & Young

Downloadable presentations:
Rita Szalay (pdf)
Barnabás Ács (pdf)

Session #3 Financing the decarbonisation of residential buildings and public institutions

Dóra Fazekas, Managing Director, Cambridge Econometrics Hungary

Keynote Speakers:
Szabolcs Mizsei, Executive Director, Hungarian Energy Efficiency Institute
Paul Smyth, Director of Strategy and Technical Services, Salix Finance

Ada Ámon, Chief Advisor to the Mayor of Budapest on Climate Affairs, Budapest City Hall
László Balogh, Chief Business Expert,
Zsombor Barta, Director, Hungary Green Building Council
James Hooton, Programme Director, UK Green Finance Institute

Moderator: Áron Horváth, Head of Centre, ELTINGA Centre for Real Estate Research

Downloadable presentations:
Szabolcs Mizsei (pdf)
Paul Smyth (pdf)

Session #4 Renewable energy

Keynote Speakers:
Ede Borbély, Head of Renewables and Energy Efficiency, MOL Nyrt.
Simone Cooper-Searle, Head of Hydrogen Strategy, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)

Attila Aszódi, Full Professor – Department of Nuclear Energy, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Anita Simon, Deputy CEO – Sustainability and Circular Economy, Alteo Group
László Szabó, CEO, REKK
Edward Jones, Senior Policy Manager, Energy UK

Moderator: Claudia Patricolo, Editor-in-chief, CEEnergyNews

Downloadable presentations:
Ede Borbély (pdf)
Simone Cooper-Searle (pdf)

The two-day conference was followed by the press. Related press reports available here:
Financing Hungary’s energy transition: the role of renewables (CEEnergy News)
Összeérnek az ESG és a pénzügyi kockázatok – Új világ felé sodródunk (Portfolió.hu)
Energiaszegénységbe kerül sok magyar háztartás – Fel kell újítani az otthonokat, de nincs miből (