The sustainability reform of EU fiscal rules – this is the title of a joint online webinar organised by the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) and the Clean Air Action Group on Tuesday, 21 February 2023, from 14:00 on Webex and on the HEA’s YouTube channel.

The event comes as Climate Action Network Europe and other organisations have put forward concrete policy proposals on how the reform of the European Union’s fiscal governance could incorporate the EU’s climate commitments. There is a growing consensus that the framework based on fiscal and monetary conservatism needs reform. However, the rethinking of EU directives, monitoring and evaluation criteria cannot be based only on narrow economic considerations, but must also take into account environmental and sustainability aspects. The summary of the package of proposals that inspired the event is available here.

The keynote speeches will be given by Zoltán Pogátsa, habilitated associate professor at the University of West Hungary and András Lukács, president of the Clean Air Action Group. The participants of the panel discussion following the keynote speeches are: Péter Benő Banai, State Secretary Public Finance of the Ministry of Finance, President of the HEA’s Public Finance Section, and Gergely Baksay, Managing Director for Economic Analysis and Competitiveness of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Member of the HEA’s Board, President of the Competitiveness Section. The invited speaker will be Etele Baráth, former Minister for European Affairs, former member of the European Economic and Social Committee and President of the Development Policy Section of the HEA. The discussion will be moderated by Elemér Terták, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of K&H Bank, Member of the Board of HEA, former State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, former Director of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, responsible for financial institutions.

Information needed to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2375 686 5217
Password: EUfiscal2023