The Economic Policy and Economic Theory Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) will organise its traditional Forecasters’ Forum on the 2024 and medium-term macroeconomic outlook of the Hungarian economy on Thursday, 25 January 2024, from 14:00 on Webex and on the HEA’s YouTube channel.

The participants of the forum will be Gergely Baksay, Managing Director of the Economic and Fiscal Forecasting Department of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, member of the HEA’s Board, President of the Competitiveness Section; Éva Palócz, CEO of Kopint-Tárki Zrt., vice president of the HEA; Gergely Tardos, Director of the Analysis Centre of OTP Bank and Zsolt Becsey Jr., Senior Macroeconomic Analyst at UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt.

István Madár, Senior Analyst at Portfolió.hu and member of the HEA Board, will introduce the panel and moderate the discussion. Péter Halmai, Academician, Professor at the NKE and BME, President of the Economic Policy and Economic Theory Section of the HEA will welcome the participants.

Information needed to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2367 675 3514
Password: Forecast2024