Péter Németh has been elected as the new Chairman of the Youth Committee of the HEA. The new Chairman, also the chair of the HEA youth organisation at Eötvös Loránd University, replaced Patrícia Kovács as head of the Youth Committee. The delegates of the youth organisations also elected deputy chairpersons to the HEA YC. These positions have been taken by Ildikó Bencsik (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Gergely Bökény (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Róbert Cseszlai (University of Nyíregyháza) and Bence Csontos (Corvinus University of Budapest). The most important duties of the HEA YC this year include the preparation of the Conference of Young Economists of the Carpathian Basin, along with the National Conference of Young Economists (FIKOT) in the coming autumn.