How prepared is the credit institutions sector for the introduction of IFRS 9? What frequent application and introduction issues have arisen? What are the challenges to officers compiling financial reports? How can an auditor become a modelling expert? These are the questions that an event organised by the Audit Unit of the Hungarian Economic Association will seek to answer. The presentations will be held in the conference room of the head office of UniCredit Bank (Budapest V., Szabadság tér 5) from 3 p.m. on Monday, 13 November 2017.
Presenters: KPMG audit partner Judit Boros, and Ágnes Rakó, KPMG’s partner responsible for accounting consultancy.
Participation is free of charge, but prior registration is required. Please indicate your intention to attend the event by sending an e-mail message to, or by calling +36 1 374 6908.
Upon request, HEA will attest your participation in writing.
Invitation to the event (pdf file)