From semi-periphery to semi-periphery – Our journey in Europe. It will be the title of a presentation to be delivered by Ignác Romsics, historian, Academic, Professor of Eszterházy Károly University at the invitation of the Economic Policy and Economic Theory Section of the Hungarian Economic Association on Tuesday, 24 April 2018 from 5 p.m. at the IBM Budapest Lab Conference Hall (Budapest VI. kerület, Andrássy út 39. – next to Párizsi Nagyáruház). The moderator of the event will be Attila Chikán Academic, President of the Section.

A book of over 600 pages entitled Magyarország története written by Ignác Romsics reviewing the history of Hungary from the beginnings to our age has been recently published by Kossuth Kiadó.

Participation in the event will be free, subject to registration. Anyone interested in attending will be required to contact us via

We thank  IBM Budapest Lab  for the support!