The United Kingdom’s Exit from the EU and the European Integration is the title of a book by Miklós Losoncz, Research Professor of Budapest Business School, former Board member of the HEA, to be presented on Tuesday, 19 June 2018, from 4 p.m. at the Budapest Business School’s Lotz Hall (1055 Budapest, Markó u. 29-31.). The speakers of the event will include Tibor Palánkai, Széchenyi Award winner economist, university professor, ordinary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Gábor Zupkó, Head of EU Representation in Hungary. The event will be moderated by Sára Csillag, Deputy Rector for Science, Budapest Business School.

In his book the author Miklós Losoncz provides a thorough overview of the processes leading to the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union and the impacts of Brexit on the UK and the EU, with special focus on the potential post-Brexit bilateral trade policy cooperation models. Using exceptionally rich sources, the book is dedicated to the analysis of the European Commission’s five scenarios for the future of Europe and the evaluation of the integration organisation’s new strategy for the post-Brexit era. To access the volume online, please click here.

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Invitation to the Book Review (pdf)