Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy through the eyes of a Brussels insider – it will be the title of a presentation to be delivered in English at the invitation of the Agricultural and Food Industry Section of the HEA by Yves Madre economist, agronomist, head of FARM Europe think tank working closely with the European Commission and Chief Adviser to the EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development during the previous CAP reform on Thursday, 22 November 2018 from 2 p.m. in the council chamber of the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (1093 Budapest, Zsil u. 3-5.).

Reviews in relation to the presentation will be provided by Anikó Juhász, Deputy Secretary of State of the Ministry of Agriculture and Gergely Papp, Deputy Director-General of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture. The participants will be greeted by Attila Zöldréti, President of the Agricultural and Food Industry Section of the HEA. The event will be chaired by László Vajda, retired head of department, Ministry of Agriculture.

The working language of the event will be English.

Participation will be free, subject to previous registration. Anyone interested in the event should send an email via the following email address