‘What to expect in logistics in 2019?’ will be the title of a conference organised by the Club of Logistics Directors in association with the Logistics Section of the HEA, to take place on Tuesday, 22 January 2019 from 9 a.m. in the Conference Hall of the Budapest China Mart Experience Centre (1152 Budapest, Szentmihályi út 171, 3rd floor).

The speakers will discuss tax changes and customs legislative changes in 2019 and the current toll payment system. The issues addressed during the event will include the expected trends and outlook of the global economy, the domestic economic factors and risks and trends in transportation costs from a logistics perspective.

The speakers of the conference will include, among others, Gábor Ligetfalvi, CEO (HEPA Magyar Exportfejlesztési Ügynökség Nonprofit Zrt.), Zoltán Török, senior analyst (Raiffeisen Bank), Csaba Wolf, Director of Business Development (Deloitte Zrt.), Beatrix Rónay-Tobel, Head of Department, (Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Department of Road Transport Control), and Tamás Bartal, CEO (Nemzeti Útdíjfizetési Szolgáltató Zrt.).

For the detailed programme, further information and registration visit the website http://nlvklub.hu/hu/esemeny/mire-szamitsunk-a-logisztikaban-2019-ben/.

Members of the Logistics Section of HEA will be offered discount rates.