The Causes and Consequences of Wage Consolidation will be the title of a professional conference organized by the Economic Policy and Economic Theory Section and the Labour Section of the 125 year old Hungarian Economic Association, to be held on Thursday, 13 June 2019 from 2 p.m. in Budapest, at the Budapest Business School (1055 Budapest, Markó utca 29-31., Lotz Hall).

The speakers of the conference will include: Péter Benő Banai, Minister of State for Public Finances, Ministry of Finance, Vice President of the Public Finance Section of HEA; Péter Ákos Bod, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Corvinus University of Budapest, Vice President of the HEA; István Dedák, Professor and Senior Researcher, Eszterházy Károly University; and Éva Palócz, CEO of Kopint-Tárki Zrt., Vice President of the HEA. The event will be moderated by: Attila Chikán, Academic, University Professor, President of the Economic Policy and Economic Theory Section of HEA.

The conference will be an open press event.

Participation will be free, subject to prior registration. Anyone interested in the event should send an email to the address Registrations will be accepted subject to capacity of the venue.