The Central and Eastern European Section of the HEA was founded in July. At the inaugural meeting held on 24 July 2020 the founders elected Ádám Balog, Chairman & CEO of MKB Bank Nyrt. as president of the new section. The secretarial duties will be carried out by Dániel János Plósz. The CEE Section was set up with the approval of the Board of the HEA.

The CEE Section’s mission is to build a community capable of coordinating and promoting the issues key to the emergence of the Central and Eastern European region, bringing together scientific, state and corporate actors and stakeholders. It will provide support for the strengthening of regional economic cooperation and the exploitation of regional synergies.

Further goals include the deepening of relations with the Hungarian economic organisations operating in Transylvania, Upper Hungary and Vojvodina and the economic associations of the V4 countries, in addition to expanding the consultation framework, providing an active professional forum and enhancing the international role of the HEA.

The CEE Section aspires to provide a platform for discussing socio-economic challenges within the region such as the potentials for strengthening regional economic relations and synergies, and issues including sustainability, green economy and research, development and innovation.

In recent years the Hungarian Economic Association gained five new sections, with one section undergoing renewal. The recent additions include the European Union Section, the Demographics Section, the Fintech and Financial Culture Section, the Real Estate Market Section and the Central and Eastern European Section, in addition to the reformed Public Finance Section. Members can currently choose from 25 active sections.

To join the new section members are required to log in using their password and login name or send a request by completing the Data Verification Form.