Economies during the crisis – with this title, our Transylvanian partner organization, the Hungarian Economic Society of Romania, will organize an online roundtable discussion on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, from 5 pm Hungarian time on Facebook.

Participants of the panel discussion – Róbert Bacsó, Associate Professor at II. Ferenc Rákóczi Hungarian College of Transcarpathia; Ádám Balog, President of the Central and Eastern European Section of the Hungarian Economic Association; Rozália Hervay, President of the Hungarian Economic Society in Slovakia; Bálint Juhász, member of the board of the Hungarian Economic Society of Vojvodina, managing director of the Prosperitas Foundation; and Gyula Pleschinger, President of the Hungarian Economic Association – will discuss the impacts of the pandemic on the economies of the Carpathian Basin region. The event will be hosted and moderated by László Gyerkó, President of the Hungarian Economic Society of Romania, member of the Board of the Romanian Competition Council.