The Hungarian Economic Association and its partners – the Czech INEV, the National Bank of Hungary, the MNB Department of the Corvinus University of Budapest, the Money Museum, the Money Compass Foundation and the Budapest Institute of Banking Zrt. – will be organising the Economics Olympiad for Students in the 2020-2021 academic year as well. The competition will be open for secondary school students from every corner of Hungary, as well as from the whole Carphatian Basin.

The first round of the competition will take place in February including written online tests, to be continued in late March-early April with the two-round (written and oral) national final organised for the best students in the online space because of the pandemic situation.

The most successful finalists will face their Czech, Polish and Slovakian counterparts in an English language international final expected to take place in September 2021; in fact, the Czech organisers promised to extend the scope of the participating nations! The best contestants of the national and international finals will naturally receive valuable prizes. The importance of the event is marked by the fact that the chief patron of the 2020 international final was Nobel Prize recipient Tom Sargent who delivered a special welcome in a video message.

Detailed information about the competition and its theme and tasks and the 2020 national and international finals can be accessed at the competition website and Facebook page, as well as the website of the Hungarian Economic Association.

Registration for the competition will be open until 31 January 2021 via the form accessible at this link.