National economy and public finances in the time of coronavirus pandemic. With this title, the Hungarian Economic Association and the Fiscal Council held their traditional joint conference on 15 December 2020. The lectures of the event can be listened to on HEA’s podcast channel, and the studies and presentations can be downloaded from our website.

Speakers at the event: Judit Antal, Chief Economist, OG Research; Gergely Baksay, Executive Director for economic analysis and competitiveness of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, member of the HEA’s Board; Éva Palócz, CEO of Kopint-Tárki Zrt., Vice President of HEA; and Gyula Pulay, Head of Supervision of the State Audit Office. The chairman of the conference was Árpád Kovács, the chairman of the Fiscal Council and honorary president of HEA.

The lectures of the conference can be heard on HEA’s podcast channel:

This year, a study volume was prepared in Hungarian and English from the analyzes prepared for the Budget Council. The volumes can be downloaded in pdf format below.

Donwloadable books:

Makrogazdaság, államháztartás koronavírus-járvány idején (pdf)
National economy and public finances in the time of coronavirus pandemic (pdf)


Judit Antal’s presentation (pdf)
Gergely Baksay’s presentation (pdf)
Éva Palócz’s presentation (pdf)