In the round table discussion, organized by the Industry and Entrepreneurship Section of the Hungarian Economic Association on Wednesday, 17 March, 2021, 16.00 pm, leaders of enterprises will present their case as they have changed their business model successfully in the current health and economic crisis of the pandemic. This may comprise their “digitalisation” or other successful adaptation techniques to changing market conditions. In many cases, market demand has shifted or indeed disappeared – and in some instances this change may prove irreversible. Nevertheless, the dramatic disruption in operations may present an opportunity for businesses to redesign their products, go-to-market strategy, or their entire business model.

Mr. Zoltán Nagy-György, CEO, Ilcsi Beautifying Herbs Hungary
Mr. András Perényi, CEO, Webshippy
Mr. Ákos Tajta, general manager, Wolt Hungary
Mr. Miklós Kozma, Associate Professor, Corvinus University of Budapest, Chairman of the Industry and Entrepreneurship Section of the Hungarian Economic Association
Ms. Edina Kálmán, founder of the Formation Group, Board member of the Industry and Entrepreneurship Section of the Hungarian Economic Association

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Meeting number: 181 707 7092
Password: Change2021

The event can be followed live at HEA’s YouTube Channel.