The Hungarian Economic Association and the Fiscal Council will hold their traditional joint conference on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, at 10 a.m., due to the pandemic, this will be an online event, and can be followed live on HEA’s YouTube channel.

Invited speakers of the conference are: Pál Belyó (Eco-Vista Kft.), Magdolna Csath (Leadership Kft.), Ilona Cserháti (Corvinus University of Budapest), Balázs Csomós (MNB), Péter Halmai (Profconsult Kft.), Miklós Losoncz (GKI Zrt.), Gyula Pulay (State Auditory Office), Gábor Regős (Századvég Gazdaságkutató Zrt.), Katalin Szilágyi (Innovatív Közgazdasági Megoldások Kft.), Péter Vakhal (Kopint-Tárki Zrt.), etc.

Moderator of the event is Árpád Kovács, President of the Fiscal Council, Honorary President of the HEA.

The event can be followed live on HEA’s YouTube channel.