A global overview of career guidance systems – this is the title of an online professional conference organised by the Hungarian Economic Assoriation’s (HEA) Labour Section in cooperation with the Hungarian Pedagogical Society’s Career Guidance Section on Thursday, 9 June 2022, from 2 pm on Webex and on the HEA’s YouTube channel.

The keynote speaker of the event will be Tibor Borbély-Pecze Bors, Associate Professor at Wesley János College of Pastoral Studies, Vice President of the Hungarian Pedagogical Society (MPT), President of the MPT Career Guidance Section. Contributor: Lajos Bódis, Associate Professor at the Department of Economic Policy and Labour Economics at Corvinus University of Budapest. Moderator of the event will be István Sum, Associate Professor at Milton Friedman University, Member of the Board of the Labour Section of the HEA.

Information needed to follow the event live:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQn9xUBg0ybiPRfB2QM4QOA
Webex: https://magyarkozgazdasagitarsasag.my.webex.com/magyarkozgazdasagitarsasag.my/j.php?MTID=m0aed22993979492e85e8f31e4fa0c3d1
Meeting number: 2369 209 7726
Password: MKTMPT2022

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