The Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) held its annual meeting on Friday, 27th May in Budapest, with almost 90 percent of the delegates of the county organisations and the sections attending. The delegates adopted the Association’s annual report for 2021, its financial plan for 2022, and amended the HEA’s statutes.

At the delegates’ meeting, held on the 128th anniversary of the founding of HEA, Éva Hegedüs, Secretary General, CEO of GRÁNIT Bank Zrt. reminded the delegates that in addition to the sessions of the 59th Itinerant Conference of Economists, HEA organised some 80 online conferences and roundtables in 2021, with more than 57,000 views on YouTube. At least 40 to 80 people watched the events live on an occasional basis, and the average number of views of the videos, including the post-event views, was between 150 and 500. Éva Hegedüs said it was important that the full range of HEA events is now available to rural members, and Hungarian economist colleagues from Vojvodina, Transylvania and Slovakia could actively participate the events. The Secretary General of HEA emphasised that thanks to the support of donors and as a result of responsible management, HEA closed last year with a positive result of HUF 8.9 million, which still meets the requirements of the NGO Act, i.e. the indicators required for public benefit status.

MKT President Gyula Pleschinger informed the delegates of the decisions taken at the last board meeting. He announced that next year’s 61st Itinerant Congress of Economists in 2023, will be hosted by the Heves County Organisation of HEA and the city of Eger. He also announced that the Board had awarded the Economists’ Lifetime Achievement Prize to Professor Magdolna Csath, and the Economists’ Grand Prize to József Bagó, President of the Labour Section. Both awards will be presented at the plenary session of this year’s Congress in Szeged.

The HEA’s President informed the delegates about this year’s 60th Itinerant Congress of Economists, which will be organised  in Szeged on 22-23 September. The organisation of the professional programme of this year’s two-day conference has started. An important new feature is that the entire conference programme, including the parallel sessions, will be available live on the internet and can be viewed later.

(In the opening photo, Enikő Zsakó, member of the HEA’s Supervisory Board and Chair of the Audit Section, presents the Supervisory Board’s report to the Friday Assembly of Delegates)