The Corvinus University of Budapest and the Industry and Entrepreneurship Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA)  will organise a bus visit to the digitalisation-supported cowshed of Kossuth 2006 Mezőgazdasági Termelő Zrt. in Jászárokszállás on Thursday, 30 June 2022. An expert from the farm will give an English-language tour of the cowshed, followed by information in English on the economic and sustainability aspects of the use of digitalisation technologies.

Corvinus University of Budapest will organise a bus service for the visit on Thursday 30 June at 9 a.m. from the parking lot of the Műcsarnok (meeting at 8.45 a.m.), returning to Budapest at 4 p.m.

Participation in the event is free of charge. The programme includes a working lunch on site, which HEA members can attend at their own expense.

Those who are interested are kindly requested to register their intention to attend by e-mail to by 23 June at the latest. A limited number of applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.