Innovation in a time of crisis: the responses of the Hungarian medical technology industry – this is the title of a roundtable discussion organised by the Hungarian Economic Association’s Industrial and Entrepreneurship Section on Wednesday 22 June 2022, from 3 pm on Webex and on the MKT YouTube channel.

Experts will answer questions such as: what are the most important features of the market environment for the medical technology industry in Hungary and in export markets today; how the medical technology industry is affected by the coronavirus crisis and the Russian-Ukrainian war; how to respond to the competitiveness challenges they pose; and how the changed market environment affects the innovation performance of companies in the sector.

The roundtable discussion will feature Arnold Steiner, CEO of Medicor Elektronika Zrt.; Gábor Blaskovics, CEO of Metrimed Orvosi Műszergyártó Kft. and Endre Dévai, President of Innomed Medical Zrt. The moderator of the discussion is János Kálmán, Member of the Board of the Industry and Entrepreneurship Section of HEA.

Information to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2362 608 1278
Password: Medical2022