Long-term solution to the teacher shortage

A team of experts from the MNB - Péter Asztalos, Márk Donát Kiss, Nándor Marmoly and Ákos Szalai, led by György Szapáry, Senior Advisor to the Governor of the MNB and former Ambassador - recently prepared a study and discussion paper on a long-term, sustainable solution to the teacher shortage. The Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) [...]

Long-term solution to the teacher shortage2024-06-25T17:14:25+00:00

Consequences of Globalization

The International Economic Association is pleased to announce its initiative “IEA Lecture Series in Economics”. This initiative aligns with its mission to advance the dissemination of economic thought and knowledge worldwide while addressing contemporary global challenges in economics. The programme consists of a series of three to four online lectures on a specific topic in [...]

Consequences of Globalization2024-05-22T10:58:44+00:00
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