Young economists to discuss competitiveness in Kecskemét

The 7th Meeting of Young Economists from the Carpathian Basin, an event organised by the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA), will be held at the János Neumann University of Kecskemét on 27 and 28 October 2017. The conference will also serve as the 37th National Meeting of Young Economists (Hungarian acronym: FIKOT). About 150-200 university and [...]

Young economists to discuss competitiveness in Kecskemét2019-07-15T10:11:35+00:00

The Business of Humanity Project

As an invited guest of the Responsible Corporate Governance Section of the Hungarian Economic Association, Dr. John Lipinski, Professor of Management at Indiana University of Pennsylvania will present on the University of Pittburgh’s “Business of Humanity" project on 18th October, 2017, 11.00 am at the Kochmeister Hall of the Budapest Stock Exchange (7 Szabadság square, [...]

The Business of Humanity Project2017-10-18T23:59:02+00:00

The role of “Hungaricums” (distinctive Hungarian products) as trade marks

The role of “Hungaricums” as trade marks in food trade – this will be the main topic of the autumn session of the Agriculture and Food Section of the Hungarian Economic Association, to be held at 14:00 on Thursday, 19 October 2017, in the HEA community room (first floor of the Eiffel Palace Office, 1055 [...]

The role of “Hungaricums” (distinctive Hungarian products) as trade marks2017-10-20T00:00:25+00:00

Art and art financing

Art and art financing is the title of a presentation to be given by Endre Miklóssy, essayist and expert of urban studies, at 4 p.m. on Friday, 20 October 2017, in the FUGA Centre of Architecture (Budapest district 5, Petőfi Sándor utca 5). Mr. Miklóssy was invited by the Cultural Economy Unit of HEA. Click [...]

Art and art financing2019-07-15T10:11:35+00:00

Background studies on budgetary processes

In what is now a tradition, the Hungarian Economic Association and the Secretariat of the Fiscal Council is organising a conference aimed at presenting background studies prepared for the Fiscal Council. The event will be held at 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 12 October 2017, in the Kossuth Club (1088 Budapest, Múzeum utca 7, large conference [...]

Background studies on budgetary processes2017-10-12T23:59:05+00:00

Market socialism and community rating

Market socialism and community rating - this is the title of the lecture of Professor Peter Zweifel (University of Zurich) to be held on 22 September, 10.00 am at Budapest Corvinus University, new building, hall C (4 Közrakár street, distr. 9, Budapest). Prof. Peter Zweifel is a Professor Emeritus of Economics, Department of Economics, University [...]

Market socialism and community rating2019-07-15T10:11:36+00:00

Consultation on preferential EU loans in Miskolc

An information and consultation event on preferential EU loan products related to development tenders, available from MFB (Hungarian Development Bank) Points, will be organised by the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County section of the HEA and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, to take place in the Szentpáli Hall, 4th floor [...]

Consultation on preferential EU loans in Miskolc2019-07-15T10:11:39+00:00

The impact of massification on culture

The phenomenon and impact of massification on culture – profane spaces of life. It will be the title of a presentation to be delivered by ethnologist Erik Szabó, Town Protection Association of Budapest, at the invitation of the Culture Economics Section of the Hungarian Economic Association at the FUGA Centre of [...]

The impact of massification on culture2019-07-15T10:11:40+00:00

Workshop discussions on business economics

‘The place and role of business economic studies in tertiary business administration programmes’ will be the title of a workshop discussion session on the occasion of publishing the 7th edition of Attila Chikán’s book ‘Business Economics’, jointly organised by lecturers of the Institute of Business Economics of Corvinus University with researchers [...]

Workshop discussions on business economics2019-07-15T10:11:40+00:00
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