Siemens boss to host discussion

The European Union Section of the HEA is organizing a visit to the Hungarian Headquarters of Siemens Group (Budapest XIV, Gizella út 51-57.) on Monday, 25 November 2019, from 5 p.m. The Hungarian language event including an introductory session and discussion will be hosted by Dale A. Martin, Chairman-CEO of Siemens Hungary, former President of the [...]

Siemens boss to host discussion2019-11-26T00:00:55+00:00

Field trip to the production facility of 77 Elektronika Kft.

The Industry and Entrepreneurship Section of the HEA is organizing a visit to the Budapest site of 77 Elektronika Kft. (1116 Budapest, Fehérvári út 98.) on Thursday, 7 November 2019, from 10 a.m. During the visit Global Marketing Manager Csaba Szlávik will talk about the achievements of the Hungarian family-owned enterprise in global market penetration [...]

Field trip to the production facility of 77 Elektronika Kft.2019-11-25T08:29:52+00:00

Life course interview with Árpád Kovács on Radio Kossuth

A life course interview with Árpád Kovács, Lifetime Honorary President of the HEA was conducted for Radio Kossuth. The interview was aired on Tuesday, 5 November 2019 as part of the series The Greats hosted by Edit Szentgáli. The interview can be accessed via this link.  

Life course interview with Árpád Kovács on Radio Kossuth2019-11-25T08:39:49+00:00

Itinerant Conference of Economists 2020 to take place in Szeged

Szeged will host the 58th Itinerant Conference of Economists in 2020. The decision was made at the Board Meeting of the Hungarian Economic Association on Tuesday. After ten years, the city of Szeged situated on the banks of the River Tisza will host the largest annual conference of Hungarian economists on 24-26 September 2020. The [...]

Itinerant Conference of Economists 2020 to take place in Szeged2019-11-25T08:42:40+00:00

Fintech and Financial Culture Section has been founded

The decision to set up the Fintech and Financial Culture Section of the Hungarian Economic Association was adopted by the Board Meeting of the HEA on 22 October 2019.   The participants of the inaugural meeting held at the headquarters of the Hungarian Banking Association in July 2019 elected Éva Pintér (University of Pécs) as President, [...]

Fintech and Financial Culture Section has been founded2019-11-25T08:43:53+00:00

Young economists on economic development in Europe

Young Hungarian economists on economic development in Europe will be the title of a roundtable discussion organized by the Development Economics Section of the Hungarian Economic Association and the Corvinus University of Budapest Research Centre for Industrial Policy to take place on Tuesday, 29 October 2019, from 5 p.m. in Room 218 of the main [...]

Young economists on economic development in Europe2019-11-25T08:44:37+00:00

9th KÁMFOR Conference in Kaposvár

This year’s Conference of Young Economists from the Carpathian Basin (KÁMFOR) will be held for the 9th time on Saturday, 26 October 2019 at the University of Kaposvár. The event is to attract economics students from every corner of Hungary and beyond from Transylvania and Vojvodina as well. The 9th KÁMFOR Conference will focus on [...]

9th KÁMFOR Conference in Kaposvár2019-10-26T23:59:09+00:00

HEA Business Wednesday – on fast-food restaurants

In the crossfire of fast-food restaurants will be the title of a presentation to be delivered by János Héjja, owner of McDonald’s restaurants in Kecskemét at the invitation of the Kecskemét Youth Organization of the Hungarian Economic Association as part of the HEA Business Wednesday series launched this year, to take place on Wednesday, 16 [...]

HEA Business Wednesday – on fast-food restaurants2019-10-18T10:38:53+00:00

HEA’s Secretary General on Nobel Prize winners

This year’s Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences has been awarded in recognition of outstanding research in development economics including the fight against poverty. ‘Remarkably a young female economist, Esther Duflo is also among the laureates this year’, Éva Hegedüs, Secretary General of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA), Chairperson and CEO of Gránit Bank Zrt. [...]

HEA’s Secretary General on Nobel Prize winners2019-10-18T10:40:34+00:00

Árpád Kovács: The First Seventy Years

The First Seventy Years (Az első hetven év) is a biography by Árpád Kovács, Lifetime Honorary President of the Hungarian Economic Association, Chairman of the Fiscal Council of Hungary published by Éghajlat Kiadó. The book will be presented from 11 a.m. on Thursday, 7 November 2019, the birthday of István Hagelmayer, former President of the [...]

Árpád Kovács: The First Seventy Years2019-11-27T12:25:20+00:00
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