The Board of the Hungarian Economic Association delegated one of its members, Elemér Terták to the National Economic and Social Council (NESC). Elemér Terták will replace Éva Palócz, Vice President of the HEA.

The National Economic and Social Council (NESC) is a consultative, proposal-making and advisory body independent from Parliament and the Government established to discuss comprehensive economic and social development issues and national strategies across government cycles, and to promote smooth and balanced economic growth and the development and implementation of appropriate social models. Based on ACT XCIII of 2011 the Hungarian Economic Association, as the only identified professional and scientific association, is to delegate two members to the Council.

In future the HEA will be represented by Gusztáv Báger, University Professor and Member of the Monetary Council, and Elemér Terták, Member of the Board and former Secretary General of the HEA, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of K&H Bank. Elemér Terták has served as senior executive for numerous financial institutions. He was Deputy Minister of State for Financial Affairs in 2001-2002, and Minister of State for Public Administration in 2003-2005, and served as Director for Financial Institutions, European Commission DG Markt from 2005.

We thank Éva Palócz for actively representing the HEA in the National Economic and Social Council, also as rotating chairperson for a while. At the same time, we wish Elemér Terták every success in his new role.
