The future of the knowledge-based machine industry – with this title, MAGEOSZ and the Industry, Entrepreneurship and Labor Secion of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) will organize a joint online workshop on Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 2 pm via Microsoft Teams.

Following the greeting of MAGEOSZ Secretary General Gábor Vadnai, Katalin Némethné Pál (GKI) will give a comprehensive picture of the current situation of the mechanical engineering industry as a whole, and then Gyula Nagy (Enrawell, SZTE) will present the results of the project.

In the framework of the panel discussion following the presentations, the invited experts will focus on areas such as labor shortages and structural change, digitalization etc. The participants of the round table discussion: Katalin Némethné Pál (GKI), Ferenc Sólyom (former head of ASG), György Boda (HEA Labor Section) and János Kálmán (HEA Industry and Entrepreneurship Section). Moderator: Gyula Nagy (Enrawell, SZTE).

Those who are interested can register here.