Firm competitiveness: A general model and a manufacturing application is an English language paper authored by Attila Chikán, Erzsébet Czakó, Bence Kiss-Dobronyi and Dávid Losonci, recently published in the International Journal of Production Economics. A roundtable discussion relating to the study will be organised by the Economic Policy and Economic Theory Section, the Industry and Entrepreneurship Section and the Competitiveness Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA), to take place on Monday, 10 January 2022, from 2 p.m. via Webex and HEA’s YouTube channel.

Speakers: Attila Chikán, Academic, Director of Corvinus University of Budapest Competitiveness Research Centre, President of the Economic Policy and Economic Theory Section of the HEA; Bence Kiss-Dobronyi, Senior Economist of Cambridge Econometrics; Dávid Losonci, Associate Professor, Director of Corvinus University of Budapest Institute of Business Economics; and Gergely Baksay, Executive Director of Economic Analysis and Competitiveness at MNB (National Bank of Hungary), President of the Competitiveness Section of the HEA. Contributor: Péter Vakhal, researcher of Kopint-Tárki Zrt. The event will be moderated by Erzsébet Czakó, Professor of Corvinus University of Budapest Institute of Business Economics, Board Member and former president of the Industry and Entrepreneurship Section of the HEA.

Information needed to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2374 124 5296
Password: Competi2022

Related documents:
A Firm competitiveness: A general model and a manufacturing application, available at the website of Sciencedirect