The Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) will organise a professional roundtable discussion on the possibilities of sustainable urban green transport on Wednesday 22 March 2023, from 14:00 on Webex and on the HEA YouTube channel. The event is based on two expert papers from the Hungarian Transport Association on sustainable green transport and on the links between sustainability and transport management.

The introductory presentations of the event will be held by István Döbrei, Director of Strategy and Procurement of BKV Zrt. and Sándor Bősze, Chief Engineer of KÖZLEKEDÉS Tervező Iroda Kft. The participants of the round table discussion following the keynote presentations are Loránd Bói, Deputy State Secretary for Transport Strategy of the Ministry of Construction and Transport (tbc.); Szabolcs Tóth, CEO of DKV Debrecen Transport Ltd; and János Berényi, Honorary Member of the Hungarian Institute of Transport Studies and Logistics. The discussion will be moderated by Melinda Kamasz, Editor-in-Chief of the Növekedé business news portal. Gyula Várszegi, President of the Hungarian Transport Association, and Gyula Pleschinger, President of the Hungarian Economic Association, will welcome the participants.

Information needed to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2379 379 7324
Password: GreenTransport23