EIT Health InnoStars has conducted a survey on the health innovation ecosystem based on the business results of 215 health startups in 10 countries and the feedback of more than 200 professionals.The Hungarian Economic Association’s (HEA) Informatics Section will organise an online roundtable discussion on the findings of the survey and its implications for Hungary on Tuesday, 13 June 2023, at 14:00 on Webex and on the HEA’s YouTube channel.

At the beginning of the event – as co-author of the study – Ferenc Pongrácz, Regional Director of EIT Health InnoStars, President of the Informatics Section of the HEA, member of the national board will summarize the main lessons of the research, followed by a roundtable discussion with Magdolna Csath, Professor of Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Vice President of the Innovation Section of the HEA; László Gulácsi, Professor, Vice Rector of the University of Óbuda, Head of the Doctoral School of Innovation Management, Member of the Board of the HEA’s Health and Health Economics Section; and Antal Kuthy, Founder and CEO of E-Group, Member of the Board of the HEA’s Informatics Section.

Information needed to follow the event live:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@magyarkozgazdasagitarsasag
Webex: https://magyarkozgazdasagitarsasag.my.webex.com/magyarkozgazdasagitarsasag.my/j.php?MTID=m2158b4c92b54b8f2dee346837f089394
Meeting number: 2369 586 1259
Password: HealthInnova2023