Digitalization and Finance – this is the title of an online conference organised by the Finance Section of the Hungarian Economic Association and the Economics Working Committee of the Veszprém Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on Thursday, 25 May 2023, from 2 pm on Webex and on the HEA’s YouTube channel.

Speakers will be Géza Sebestyén, Head of the Economic Policy Section at Mathias Corvinus Collegium; Péter Sajtos, Head of the Digitalisation Policy and Regulatory Department of the MNB; Gábor Horváth, Senior Economist at the MNB; Balázs Kóczián, Head of the MNB’s Digital Money Division and Eszter Boros, Senior International Expert at the MNB. The event will be chaired by Tibor Tatay, Vice-Chairman of the Economics Working Committee of the Veszprém Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Péter Kolozsi Pál, Director of the MNB’s Central Bank’s Asset Register, Foreign Exchange Reserves and Risk Management, Associate Professor at the Centre for Sustainable Finance of the MNB Knowledge Centre, Neumann János University, and President of the Finance Section of the MKT, will welcome the participants.

Information needed to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2374 174 8084
Meeting password: DigitalMoney2023