The European Union Section of the Hungarian Economic Association will organise a visit to Veszprém on Thursday, 2 November 2023, to learn about the experiences and results of the European Capital of Culture programme.

Departure at 8 am from Népliget, the Planetarium parking lot. At 10:00, the participants will be welcomed by Gyula Porga, Mayor of Veszprém, at the Acticity Movement and Dance Centre, where Friderika Mike, Director of Programme Development of VEB 2023 Zrt. and Péter Lamos, Managing Director of Veszprém 2030 Technical Infrastructure Development Ltd. will give an overview of the programme series and related investments. After the briefing and the tour of the building, a quick a la carte lunch will be provided at the Barátfüle restaurant in the Acticity Centre. In the afternoon, from 13h00, Viktória Szántó, Programme Director, will give a presentation of the FOTON Audiovisual Centre. Return to Budapest around 15h.

The event is free of charge, but registration is required. To register, please contact Registration is limited, so please only register if you are sure you can attend.
