Zoltán Mádi is still the president in Nyíregyháza

The Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Organisation of the Hungarian Economic Association elected Zoltán Mádi, economist and director of the Vígszínház, as its president for another three years by a unanimous vote of its members. Tibor Lakatos, the managing director of Vela Kft., and Tünde Harsági, the secretary of the county organisation and owner of Trend 2012 Kft., [...]

Zoltán Mádi is still the president in Nyíregyháza2023-04-17T13:08:15+00:00

The present and the future of omnichannel commerce

The present and the future of omnichannel commerce - this is the title of a professional roundtable discussion organised by the Hungarian Economic Association's Trade Section on Thursday, 27 April 2023, from 15:00 on Webex and on the MKT's YouTube channel. During the discussion, experts will discuss topics such as the evolution of traditional in-store [...]

The present and the future of omnichannel commerce2023-04-15T10:38:36+00:00

Healthcare innovation ecosystem

Ferenc Pongrácz, regional director of EIT Health InnoStars, member of the board of the Hungarian Economic Association and president of the IT Section will host the international online conference on Wednesday, 19 April 2023, at 11 am on innovation in the healthcare innovation ecosystem. At the conference, leading European and Israeli experts will present the [...]

Healthcare innovation ecosystem2023-04-15T10:27:42+00:00

50th Anniversary in Zala County

The Hungarian Economic Association's Zala County Organisation will celebrate its 50th anniversary on Tuesday, 25 April 2023, from 10 am in the banquet hall of the Town Hall in Zalaegerszeg. Tibor Navracsics, Minister of Rural Development, will be the speaker of the festive session and will share his thoughts on the new directions of spatial [...]

50th Anniversary in Zala County2023-04-25T08:22:55+00:00

EU section: with the same board

The European Union Section of the Hungarian Economic Association held its renewal meeting: the members voted confidence in the current Board of the Section for another three years. Gábor Iván, Director of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, will continue to chair the Section. The members confirmed Zsolt Becsey, lecturer at [...]

EU section: with the same board2023-04-12T14:30:36+00:00

The Audit Section elected a Board

According to the unanimous decision of the members, Enikő Zsakó, Deputy Managing Director of the Audit Directorate of OTP Bank, has remained the Chairperson of the Audit Section of the MKT. There will also be no change in the position of Secretary of the Section: this position will continue to be held by Tamás Lévai, [...]

The Audit Section elected a Board2023-04-11T17:08:44+00:00

Elections at the Fintech and Financial Culture Section

The HEA's Fintech and Financial Culture Section elected Éva Pintér, habilitated Associate Professor of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Corvinus University of Budapest, as its President for another three-year term by unanimous vote. Péter Bagó, start-up consultant and assistant professor at the Department of Innovation and Business Incubation of the BCE, who was [...]

Elections at the Fintech and Financial Culture Section2023-04-10T17:11:44+00:00

Web Commerce in Central and Eastern Europe

In the Shadow of Amazon - Web Commerce in Central and Eastern Europe. This is the title of an online roundtable discussion organised by the Central and Eastern European Section of the Hungarian Economic Society on Wednesday 26 April 2023 from 10 am on Webex and on the MKT YouTube channel. The speakers will be [...]

Web Commerce in Central and Eastern Europe2023-04-10T20:22:56+00:00

New Board Members in the Real Estate Section

The current President, Balázs Pázmány, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Erste Fund Management Zrt., has been re-elected Chairman of the Real Estate Market Section of the Hungarian Economic Association. The members also voted for another three-year term of office for the current Secretary of the Section, Anita Gálfi, Head of Real Estate [...]

New Board Members in the Real Estate Section2023-04-06T16:29:26+00:00

Health economics: with a new secretary

The Hungarian Economic Association's  Health and Health Economics Section held its renewal meeting. The members voted for another three-year term of office for the current chair of the Section, Marta Péntek, professor at the Centre for Health Economics at the University of Óbuda. Zsombor Zrubka, Head of the Research Centre for Health Economics at the [...]

Health economics: with a new secretary2023-04-06T16:24:39+00:00
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