Long-term solution to the teacher shortage

A team of experts from the MNB - Péter Asztalos, Márk Donát Kiss, Nándor Marmoly and Ákos Szalai, led by György Szapáry, Senior Advisor to the Governor of the MNB and former Ambassador - recently prepared a study and discussion paper on a long-term, sustainable solution to the teacher shortage. The Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) [...]

Long-term solution to the teacher shortage2024-06-25T17:14:25+00:00

Election at the International Economy Section

The HEA's International Economy Section elected Tamás Galambos, Managing Director of Kelso Capital Ltd., former Deputy Secretary General of HEA and former Chairman of the Youth Committee, as its President for another three-year term by unanimous vote. At the online election, which ended on Wednesday at noon, the voting members voted for another three-year term [...]

Election at the International Economy Section2024-06-19T13:53:04+00:00

Magyary Prize to Etele Baráth

In recognition of her outstanding career based on her extensive professional experience in public administration and her sacrificial work in the field of regional development, Etele Baráth, former Minister of European Affairs, President of the Development Policy Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) and member of the HEA's Board, was awarded the Zoltán Magyary [...]

Magyary Prize to Etele Baráth2024-06-10T20:26:19+00:00

Retail sector outlook for the second half of 2024

Retail sector outlook for the second half of 2024 - this is the title of a professional roundtable discussion organised by the Hungarian Economic Association's Trade Section on Tuesday, 18 June 2024, from 14:00 on Webex and on the MKT's YouTube channel. The participants of the discussion will be Gabriella Heiszler, President and CEO of [...]

Retail sector outlook for the second half of 20242024-06-11T08:30:51+00:00

Innovation Achievements since EU Accession

Our Innovation Achievements since EU Accession - this is the title of a roundtable discussion organised by the Innovation Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) on Monday, 24 June 2024, from 3 pm at the small congress hall of the MTA TTK (1117 Budapest, Tudósok körútja 2.). Speakers at the event: Magdolna Csath, Research [...]

Innovation Achievements since EU Accession2024-06-11T13:40:45+00:00

Investment Promotion in Hungary – 2024.

Investment Promotion in Hungary - 2024. Rita Szép-Tüske, Deputy Director General for Investment Promotion and Promotion of the HIPA National Investment Promotion Agency, will give a presentation on this topic at the invitation of the International Economy Section of the Hungarian Economic Association on Wednesday, 19 June 2024, at 15:00 on Webex and on the [...]

Investment Promotion in Hungary – 2024.2024-05-24T13:08:33+00:00

Consequences of Globalization

The International Economic Association is pleased to announce its initiative “IEA Lecture Series in Economics”. This initiative aligns with its mission to advance the dissemination of economic thought and knowledge worldwide while addressing contemporary global challenges in economics. The programme consists of a series of three to four online lectures on a specific topic in [...]

Consequences of Globalization2024-05-22T10:58:44+00:00

Opportunity and reality: the Hungarian economy in the EU

Opportunity and reality: the Hungarian economy's path in the first two decades of EU membership. The Economic Theory and Economic Policy Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) will organise an online roundtable discussion under this title on Thursday, 13 June 2024, from 14:00 on Webex and on the HEA's YouTube channel. The participants of [...]

Opportunity and reality: the Hungarian economy in the EU2024-05-22T10:45:09+00:00

Business&Chill in Kecskemét

The Hungarian Economic Association's Neumann János University Youth Organization and the student organization Kerekegész - Generations' Universal Viewpoint will organize a professional afternoon entitled Business&Chill on Friday, 17 May 2024, from 3 pm in Kecskemét, in the buffet hall of the new campus of Neumann János University (6000 Kecskemét, Izsáki út 5.). The first speaker [...]

Business&Chill in Kecskemét2024-05-10T16:53:21+00:00

Public Debt and Competitiveness

Public Debt and Competitiveness - this is the title of a lecture by Gábor Horváth, President of the Fiscal Council, at the invitation of the Audit Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) on Tuesday, 11 June 2024, at 15:00 on Webex and on the HEA's YouTube channel. Information needed to follow the event live: [...]

Public Debt and Competitiveness2024-05-10T16:08:44+00:00
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