The Hungarian Economic Association’s Labour Section will organise an online conference on the new labour import regulations on Thursday, 6 June 2024, from 14:00 on Webex and on the HEA’s YouTube channel. The event is a direct precursor to the Section’s October roundtable discussion on labour imports.

The speakers of the event are Imre Szilárd Szabó, lawyer, labour law specialist, adjunct professor at the Károli Gáspár Reformed University; Balázs Simon, legal and communication director of Humánia HRS Group Zrt.; Zoltán Dobos, journalist of the Management Forum and Barbara Pécsi, HR manager of the Pannon Group Consulting Kft.. The event will be moderated by Annamária Artner, Professor at Milton Friedman University, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of World Economy, and member of the Board of the Labour Section of the HEA.

Information needed to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2366 545 3238
Password: Munkaimport2024