Thank you for the 1 percentages!

According to information received from the National Tax and Customs Office, a total of HUF 968,667 was offered by taxpayers - 34 in number - from the 1% of the personal income tax for 2023 to support the professional activities of the Hungarian Economic Association in the spring of 2024. We thank you very much [...]

Thank you for the 1 percentages!2024-09-13T15:32:01+00:00

All the sections of the congress availabe on YouTube

The 62nd Itinerant Congress of the Hungarian Economic Association was successfully concluded last Friday at the University of Nyíregyháza. During the two-day conference, around 100 speakers shared their ideas with more than 600 on-site participants and an online audience of more than 10,000. The conference's 3 plenary sessions, 16 on-site sessions and 6 pre-recorded sessions [...]

All the sections of the congress availabe on YouTube2024-09-13T15:37:52+00:00

Elemér Terták and Gusztáv Báger in the NESC

PurAccording to the Act XCIII of 2011, the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) may participate in the work of the National Economic and Social Council (NESC) with two representatives. For the 2024-2028 term, Gusztáv Báger, Professor, Senior Adviser to the Governor of the MNB, and Elemér Terták, Member of the Board of the HEA, former Secretary [...]

Elemér Terták and Gusztáv Báger in the NESC2024-09-11T08:04:09+00:00
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