Compliance in the SME Sector – this is the title of an international conference organised by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) and the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with the Development Economics and Central and Eastern European Sections of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) on Wednesday, 22 November 2023, from 10:00 am at the Corvinus Faculty Club in the basement of the main building of Corvinus University of Budapest (1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8.).

The aim of the conference is to contribute to the policy debate on raising compliance awareness among SMEs and to showcase best practices in this policy area from V4 countries, including NGOs, chambers, multinational companies and public administrations.

Among the conference speakers will be Ádám Balog, Vice President of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry and President of the Central and Eastern European Section of the HEA; László Trautmann, President of the Development Economics Section of the MKT; Ferenc Bíró, President of the Integrity Authority; Tomasz Németh, Managing Director of Richter Gedeon Polska; Martin Sasinek, Legal and Compliance Director of Mercedes Benz Slovakia; and József Péter Martin, Executive Director of Transparency International Hungary.

The invitation and detailed programme of the event are available here.

The conference is free of charge, but registration is required and can be done via this link: