Hungarian and global perspectives of electric cars: manufacturing, suppliers, environmental protection. This is the title of the roundtable discussion organized by the Industry and Entrepreneurship Section on Thursday, February 25, 2021 from 4 pm on the Webex and HEA’s YouTube channel.

Participants in the panel discussion: Tamás Kokas, Deputy Head of the Investment Support Department of the National Investment Agency; Zoltán Vígh, managing director of the Jedlik Ányos Cluster and Szabolcs Balogh, managing director of MVM Mobiliti Kft. Invited speaker: Gábor Harangozó, associate professor of the Corvinus University of Budapest. The moderator of the discussion is János Kálmán, quality auditor, author of several automotive supplier related books, and a member of the board of HEA’s Industry and Entrepreneurship Section.

Information needed to view the event:
Meeting number: 181 587 5542
Password: Ecars2021