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So far admin has created 1810 blog entries.

Elemér Terták in the National Economic and Social Council

The Board of the Hungarian Economic Association delegated one of its members, Elemér Terták to the National Economic and Social Council (NESC). Elemér Terták will replace Éva Palócz, Vice President of the HEA. The National Economic and Social Council (NESC) is a consultative, proposal-making and advisory body independent from Parliament and the Government established to [...]

Elemér Terták in the National Economic and Social Council2020-07-09T10:36:42+00:00

Itinerant Conference of Economists: 2020 online, 2021 in Szeged

Considering the risks and uncertainties resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of the Hungarian Economic Association decided at its meeting of 25 June 2020 to postpone this year’s Itinerant Conference of Economists planned to take place in Szeged, the seat of Csongrád-Csanád County until next year, to 23-25 September 2021. However, the members of [...]

Itinerant Conference of Economists: 2020 online, 2021 in Szeged2020-07-09T10:38:12+00:00

László György discussing the Economy Protection Action Plan

The Economy Protection Action Plan and the results achieved so far will be discussed by László György, Minister of State for Economic Strategy and Regulation, Ministry of Innovation and Technology at the invitation of the Public Finance Section of the Hungarian Economic Association, to take place as a live online event on Thursday, 25 June [...]

László György discussing the Economy Protection Action Plan2020-07-09T10:39:35+00:00

Unknown Trianon – webinar

Unknown Trianon: Breakdown and Treaty, Stories from 1918-1921 will be the title of a live online presentation delivered by historian Balázs Ablonczy on Wednesday, 10 June 2020 from 6 p.m., organised by the Friends of Hungary Foundation. The webinar organised via Zoom will be accessible to the members of the Hungarian Economic Association as well. [...]

Unknown Trianon – webinar2020-07-09T10:41:04+00:00

Distance Learning in Adult Education – video presentation

Current Issues of Distance Learning in Adult Education will be the title of an online video presentation prepared by István Sum, Honorary Associate Professor of the Milton Friedman University, former CEO of SZTÁV Felnőttképző Zrt. and Board Member of the Labour Section at the request of the Labour Section of the HEA. The presentation is [...]

Distance Learning in Adult Education – video presentation2020-07-09T10:42:07+00:00

Current Issues of Working from Home – video presentation

Current issues of Working from Home will be title of a video presentation prepared by Péter Sipka, Senior Lecturer, University of Debrecen Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at the request of the Labour Section of the HEA. The presentation is accessible at our website.

Current Issues of Working from Home – video presentation2020-07-09T10:43:15+00:00

The Impact of the Coronavirus on the Hungarian Office Market

The impact of the coronavirus on the Hungarian office market is the title of a live, online presentation by Balázs Pázmány, President of the Board of Directors of ERSTE Alapkezelő Zrt., President of the  recently established Real Estate Section of the Hungarian Economic Association   at 14:00 hours on Tuesday, 26 May 2020 on the Webex [...]

The Impact of the Coronavirus on the Hungarian Office Market2020-05-26T23:59:34+00:00

New officer elections at the Hungarian Economic Association

The Hungarian Economic Association (MKT) elected Gyula Pleschinger, a member of the Monetary Council of Magyar Nemzeti Bank, as its President on Friday, 15 May, for another three years. Éva Hegedüs, Chairperson and CEO of GRÁNIT Bank Zrt., will continue to act as Secretary General of the 126-year-old professional and scientific association, which has appr. [...]

New officer elections at the Hungarian Economic Association2020-05-20T10:11:33+00:00

The Development Economics Section has launched a blog

The Development Economics Section of MKT has launched an independent website, the aim of which is to publish articles, interviews and studies related to long-term economic and technical development in order to contribute to the professional debate among economists and technical intellectuals. As the President of the section, László Trautmann, writes: in recent months, the [...]

The Development Economics Section has launched a blog2020-05-20T10:12:53+00:00

A Real Estate Market Section has been formed

The Real Estate Market Section of the Hungarian Economic Association was formed - the Presidium of the MKT also gave its consent to the establishment of the section. Members present at the inaugural meeting elected Balázs Pázmány, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ERSTE Alapkezelő Zrt., as President of the section. Anita Gálfi, head [...]

A Real Estate Market Section has been formed2020-05-20T10:14:47+00:00
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