EU customs policy during the trade war – full house event!

The potentials and limitations of customs and trade policy in the EU amidst the global trade war – it will be the title of a presentation to be delivered at the invitation of the European Union Section of the Hungarian Economic Association by Péter Balás, former Deputy Director-General of DG Trade on Monday, 15 October [...]

EU customs policy during the trade war – full house event!2019-07-15T10:11:22+00:00

HEA’s President to talk about market turbulences in Szekszárd

Gyula Pleschinger, president of the Hungarian Economic Association and member of the National Bank’s Monetary Council will give a presentation on market turbulences and their effects on emerging markets and Hungary in the Fritz Winery and Pension in Szekszárd  (Decsi szőlőhegy, 0201/48) from 6 p.m. on Thursday, 27 September 2018. Registration: Related documents: Invitation [...]

HEA’s President to talk about market turbulences in Szekszárd2018-09-27T23:59:04+00:00

Stock Exchange forum

The Budapest Stock Exchange and HEA’s Responsible Corporate Governance Unit are organising a forum on current issues in responsible corporate governance and on the new categories of the Budapest Stock Exchange from 9:30 on Tuesday, 2 October 2018 in the conference room of Bank Center (first floor, Budapest district 5, Szabadság tér 7). The presentation [...]

Stock Exchange forum2018-10-02T23:59:07+00:00

Who will rule in the 21st century? Itinerant meeting in Sfântu Gheorghe

The largest professional event organised by our sister organisation, the Hungarian Economic Association of Romania, will be held between 5 and 7 October 2018 in Sfântu Gheorghe. The 27th Itinerant Meeting of Economists will be titled “Competitiveness 2020: who will rule in the 21st century?” More than 30 presenters reputed in Hungary and abroad will [...]

Who will rule in the 21st century? Itinerant meeting in Sfântu Gheorghe2019-07-15T10:11:23+00:00

Viability scoring

Viability scoring as a supervision framework is the title of a presentation by László Vastag, director of the Central Bank of Hungary, starting at 3 p.m. on Monday, 24 September 2018, in the conference room of UniCredit Bank onSzabadság square (Budapest V., Szabadság tér 5). Upon request, members of the audience will receive written proof of [...]

Viability scoring2019-07-15T10:11:23+00:00

On the protection of intellectual property

János Gács, honorary associate professor and former chief counsellor of the National Office of Intellectual Property will talk about the economic aspects of protecting intellectual property in the architectural centre FUGA (Budapest V. ker. Petőfi Sándor út 5) from 4 p.m. on Friday, 28 September 2018. The event will be moderated by economist and folk [...]

On the protection of intellectual property2018-09-28T23:59:09+00:00

International competitiveness of Hungarian businesses

The Institute of Social Sciences and International Studies of the Faculty of Public Administration and Law of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary is organising a conference on the international competitiveness of Hungarian businesses in cooperation with the Central Bank of Hungary and the Hungarian Economic Association. The event will start [...]

International competitiveness of Hungarian businesses2018-09-21T23:59:00+00:00

Recovery, economic expansion and employment

Recovery, economic expansion and employment will be the title of an event of HEA’s Labour as well as  Economic Policy and Theory Units, to be held in room E2001 of the main building of the Budapest Corvinus University at 5 p.m. on Thursday, 4 October 2018. The conference will aim to discuss a recent analysis [...]

Recovery, economic expansion and employment2019-07-15T10:11:24+00:00

Itinerant Conference of Economists: One should go to Debrecen…

Debrecen will host the 56th Itinerant Conference of Economists taking place on 6 - 8 September 2018. The largest annual conference of Hungarian economists, following last year’s, will return to the City of Debrecen once more: during the three-day event held jointly with the Hungarian Economic Association of Romania in 2017 more than 90 presentations [...]

Itinerant Conference of Economists: One should go to Debrecen…2019-07-15T10:11:24+00:00
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