Péter Benő Banai is recipient of Popovics Prize

Péter Benő Banai, Secretary of State of the Ministry of National Economy for public finances, vice president of the Public Finance Section of the Hungarian Economic Association received this year’s Sándor Popovics Prize, an award named for the first governor of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) in recognition of his outstanding professional work in the [...]

Péter Benő Banai is recipient of Popovics Prize2018-02-19T09:17:41+00:00

Competitiveness: the key is innovation and education

The Presidium of the Hungarian Economic Association published its main findings of the 55th Itinerant Conference of Economists. The 55th Itinerant Conference of Economists held by the Hungarian Economic Association in Eger on 7-9 September 2017 turned out to be highly successful. During the three-day conference more than 160 speakers shared their thoughts in the [...]

Competitiveness: the key is innovation and education2019-07-15T10:11:31+00:00
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