Members of HEA appointed to high-ranking government positions

Four members of the HEA have been appointed to high-ranking positions in the fourth Orbán administration. Andrea Bártfai-Mager, member of the Hungarian Economic Association since 2013 has been appointed to be minister without portfolio responsible for national asset management.  Taking their oath of Tuesday, both Péter Benő Banai, Vice President of HEA’s Public Finance Section, [...]

Members of HEA appointed to high-ranking government positions2018-05-31T15:56:22+00:00

Erzsébet Pogány has died

Erzsébet Pogány, 58, has died following a long illness. She was former President of the Hungarian Economic Association in Slovakia, Director of the Alliance for Common Goals, and a key organiser of the society of Hungarian economists and the whole Hungarian community in the Upland region. The funeral of Erzsébet Pogány will take place on [...]

Erzsébet Pogány has died2019-07-15T10:11:26+00:00

New economics publishing company launched

A new economics publishing company called Pallas Athene Books (PABOOKS) was launched in September 2017. The purpose is to provide readers with a broad range of helpful knowledge in economics, finance and management, in addition to recent global geopolitical issues. With a view to this goal, the publishing company is specialised in the latest international [...]

New economics publishing company launched2018-05-08T13:49:07+00:00

MNB Excellence Scholarship programme – beyond the borders of Hungary

At the initiative of the Hungarian Economic Association, the Excellence Scholarship programme of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) is likely to be extended to students learning economics in Hungarian language at colleges and universities in Transylvania, Vojvodina and Upper Hungary, starting already from the autumn period. Until now the scholarship has been available to [...]

MNB Excellence Scholarship programme – beyond the borders of Hungary2018-05-08T13:48:15+00:00

HEA member appointed as new Secretary General of the European Forum of Deposit Insurers

HEA’s long-standing member, András Fekete-Győr has been appointed as Secretary General of the European Forum of Deposit Insurers (EFDI) with effect from April 2018. The establishment of the Paris based organisation was supported by the European Commission as well in order to standardise the extremely varied rules of deposit insurance across Europe. András Fekete-Győr was [...]

HEA member appointed as new Secretary General of the European Forum of Deposit Insurers2019-07-15T10:11:28+00:00

Demographics Section of HEA has been launched

The inaugural meeting of the Demographics Section of the Hungarian Economics Association was held on 9 March 2018. The participants of the meeting unanimously elected József Benda, researcher of socialisation issues, organization developer, social educator, founder and head of the professional workshop Alliance for Child and Family Friendly Hungary, and senior research fellow at the [...]

Demographics Section of HEA has been launched2018-05-08T13:52:11+00:00

Olympic gold medalist at the meeting of the Sport Economics Section

The recent professional forum of the HEA’s Sport Economics Section held at the community centre of the Hungarian Economic Association was attended by short track speed-skater Viktor Knoch, gold medalist of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. The Hungarian champion brought along his gold medal as well. The participants of the forum had the opportunity to listen [...]

Olympic gold medalist at the meeting of the Sport Economics Section2019-07-15T10:11:28+00:00

Conference on Economics Reformation: video available

International conference on econimics reformation was held in Budapest, 22nd March. The video of the conference is available at out website. Five hundred years after Martin Luther nailed his theses to the door of Wittenberg’s Castle Church, the economists and students dissatisfied with economic dogmas pinned their 33 theses to the doors of the London [...]

Conference on Economics Reformation: video available2019-07-15T10:11:29+00:00

Close cooperation between the V4 economic associations

The Economic Associations of the Visegrád Group countries signed a Memorandum on 22nd March in Budapest. With signing this memorandum, they express their wish to initiate a close cooperation with the aim to contribute to the success of the Visegrád Cooperation in the fields of economic research, education and exchange of information. The Memorandum was [...]

Close cooperation between the V4 economic associations2018-04-03T16:11:11+00:00

European Union Section has been founded

The European Union Section of the Hungarian Economic Association was founded on 16 February 2018, headed by President Szabolcs Fazakas, former minister of industry, commerce and tourism, former member of the European Court of Auditors and chief advisor to the EU commissioner for financial planning. The vice-president of the EU Section is Director Gábor Iván, [...]

European Union Section has been founded2019-07-15T10:11:30+00:00
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