Germany’s role and place in a reorganising EU

Germany’s role and place in a reorganising European Union is the title of a presentation to be given by former State Secretary and Hungary’s former ambassador to Berlin Gergely Prőhle at 5 p.m. on 17 June 2019. Mr. Prőhle has been invited by the EU Unit of the Hungarian Economic Association. In view of the [...]

Germany’s role and place in a reorganising EU2019-07-15T10:11:09+00:00

Internal defence lines, outsourcing

New MNB recommendation on internal defence lines and the expected changes of outsourcing rules will be the title of a professional event organized by the Audit Section of the HEA and the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA Hungary) supported by the internal audit working groups of the Hungarian Banking Association and the Association of Hungarian [...]

Internal defence lines, outsourcing2019-07-15T10:11:09+00:00

Alternative finances, crowdfunding, angel investors…

New forms of local capital accumulation to increase innovation capacity: European trends and new local players to facilitate acquiring capital, knowledge and relationship for innovative companies. This will be the subject of an English language professional event organized by the 125 year old Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) and Women/Business/Angels to take place on Wednesday, 22 [...]

Alternative finances, crowdfunding, angel investors…2019-05-22T23:59:12+00:00

Sustainable financing schemes in the 21st century

Sustainable financing schemes in the 21st century will be the title of a professional forum organized by the 125 year old Hungarian Economic Association (HEA), to take place in a series of four workshop events in relation to the money and capital market proposals of the 330-point Competitiveness Programme of the National Bank of Hungary [...]

Sustainable financing schemes in the 21st century2019-07-15T10:11:09+00:00

What next for the Eurozone?

What next for the Eurozone? Pros and cons of introducing the euro will be the title of a presentation to be delivered at the invitation of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Organization of the Hungarian Economic Association by Ildikó Pelczné Gáll, member of the European Court of Auditors, former MEP, Vice President of the HEA’s County Organization [...]

What next for the Eurozone?2019-07-15T10:11:09+00:00
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