New Perspectives and Old Patterns – after the EU summit

New Perspectives and Old Patterns in the Long-Term EU Budget will be the title of an online presentation evaluating the decisions of the EU marathon summit to be delivered by Gábor Iván, Director for General Policy, Council of the European Union, Vice President of the European Union Section of the Hungarian Economic Association on Friday, [...]

New Perspectives and Old Patterns – after the EU summit2020-08-28T10:05:05+00:00

Food Supply Strategies for Border Closure and Quarantine

Food Supply Strategies for Border Closure and Quarantine will be the title of an online event to be held by the Agricultural and Food Industry Section of the Hungarian Economic Association on Thursday, 30 July 2020 from 10 a.m. via Webex. The invited speakers include Katalin Neubauer, Secretary General of the Hungarian National Trade Association [...]

Food Supply Strategies for Border Closure and Quarantine2020-08-28T10:03:55+00:00

The Budgetary Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Budgetary Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic will be the title of a live online presentation delivered at the request of the Public Finance Section of the HEA by Péter Benő Banai, Minister of State for Public Finances, Vice President of the Public Finance Section on Thursday, 16 July 2020 from 2 p.m.. To access [...]

The Budgetary Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic2020-08-28T10:02:54+00:00

Hungarian SMEs at the Innovation Marketplace

The experiences of the initial 120 days of the iLex-Tungsram Innovation Marketplace set up and supported by the Corvinus University of Budapest Research Centre for Supplier and Industrial Development will be discussed during an online event organised by the Fintech and Financial Culture Section of the Hungarian Economic Association on Tuesday, 28 July 2020 from [...]

Hungarian SMEs at the Innovation Marketplace2020-08-28T10:01:25+00:00

And Yet the Money Moves…

And Yet the Money Moves... Latest Fintech Solutions at European Large Banks – the European Payment Initiative (EPI) will be the title of a professional online event organised by the Fintech and Financial Culture Section of the Hungarian Economic Association to take place on Tuesday, 14 July 2020 from 10 a.m. via Zoom. The speaker [...]

And Yet the Money Moves…2020-07-14T23:59:01+00:00

The Health and Safety Aspects of Returning to the Workplace

The Health and Safety Aspects of Returning to the Workplace will be title of a presentation prepared by Judit H. Nagy, lawyer and health and safety expert, former head of the Health and Safety Department, Hungarian Labour Office at the request of the Labour Section of the Hungarian Economic Association The presentation will focus on [...]

The Health and Safety Aspects of Returning to the Workplace2020-07-09T10:32:37+00:00

Sustainable Finance and ESG Investments

Sustainable Finance and ESG Investments will be the title of a professional online forum organised by the Budapest Stock Exchange in association with the Responsible Corporate Governance Section of the HEA taking place on Thursday, 16 July 2020 from 9.30 a.m. The presentations will be accessible via Microsoft Teams live events. The online conference will [...]

Sustainable Finance and ESG Investments2020-07-16T23:59:40+00:00

Financial Awareness Trends – downloadable publication

Financial Awareness Trends is a study recently published in collaboration with the Fintech and Financial Culture Section of the Hungarian Economic Association based on selected PÉNZ7 2019 Conference speeches. To download the document, please click here. In Hungary the development of financial literacy and entrepreneurial culture is supported by a series of events taking place [...]

Financial Awareness Trends – downloadable publication2020-07-09T10:34:59+00:00

Elemér Terták in the National Economic and Social Council

The Board of the Hungarian Economic Association delegated one of its members, Elemér Terták to the National Economic and Social Council (NESC). Elemér Terták will replace Éva Palócz, Vice President of the HEA. The National Economic and Social Council (NESC) is a consultative, proposal-making and advisory body independent from Parliament and the Government established to [...]

Elemér Terták in the National Economic and Social Council2020-07-09T10:36:42+00:00

Itinerant Conference of Economists: 2020 online, 2021 in Szeged

Considering the risks and uncertainties resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of the Hungarian Economic Association decided at its meeting of 25 June 2020 to postpone this year’s Itinerant Conference of Economists planned to take place in Szeged, the seat of Csongrád-Csanád County until next year, to 23-25 September 2021. However, the members of [...]

Itinerant Conference of Economists: 2020 online, 2021 in Szeged2020-07-09T10:38:12+00:00
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